The fever of celebrities for uploading nude photos to their Instagram has made us wonder: have the celebrities of the moment gone crazy? But without judging why some do it or why others like Paula Echevarría do not join this trend, we want to give you some tricks in case you also want to appear naked on Instagram and feel like a celebrity.

Nude on Instagram: tricks to take your first photo without clothes

  • Instagram always sets the trend, whether it’s insta-foodie or insta-travel, and for some time now it’s been the turn of the photos of celebrities -male or female, gender doesn’t matter here- who dedicate themselves to posting photos on the social network of the moment as God brought them into the world. Do you dare to go naked on Instagram? Take some advice so that this image triumphs among your followers and makes you get more followers.
  • The power of hint. If you follow the different instagrams of the famous, you will see that in few or no cases can you see a nipple or a pubis and when they do it is usually covered with a little drawing. They do it for legal reasons (photos where something else is seen can be penalized by Instagram), but also in other circumstances it is because it is much more morbid.
  • Help yourself with accessories. A bit of sand on your body, some sheets half placed so as not to show the most intimate parts… It will be a way of not showing everything and, also, that you feel more comfortable when posing. Or maybe you hadn’t noticed that in most photo sessions the models carry something like a bag in their hand? You can also use your own hands to place them in strategic places.
  • Some clothes. Another good option is, perhaps, to wear some clothing: a wet-look T-shirt, a thong, shorts, stockings… Check your closet and find that garment with which you feel comfortable.
  • Find a suitable place. A hotel room is usually the place chosen by many celebrities to take their photo (in bed, in front of the mirror, looking at the views of the city) but another very good option can be an exterior, in the style of Kendall Jenner in the photo above.
  • Creativity. After the recent boom that has occurred on Instagram, any photo is no longer valid for it to become viral, you have to innovate. How about you play with light? Or do you do it with your partner or with a friend/s? Or do you see the photographer who does it for you?