Wallapop, the well-known App to sell and buy things, is more fashionable than ever. And they should tell their thousands of users who are always looking for and capturing the best opportunities. In these lines we are not here to tell you everything you can find on Wallapop, you already know that very well, instead we are going to see how we can delete Wallapop messages on the web, Iphone and Android, how we can delete ads and what steps are those that we must follow in the event that we want to delete the account completely. Surely they are things that will be of great help for when you want to make a clean slate on your profile. Let’s see it!

How to delete private messages from Wallapop step by step

  1. How can you delete private messages from Wallapop whether on the web, on Iphone or on Android? The Wallapop app offers users the option to chat through private messaging. In this way, we can talk with clients or sellers about the things they want to buy or sell: the price, the characteristics, when and where they are going to stay…
  2. Of course, the capacity of this chat is not unlimited. So, in order for the app to work properly and we have the account in order, it does not hurt that from time to time we delete old messages. How to do it? Very simple, taking as a guide the steps that we detail here. It seems complicated if you have never done it, but you will see that when you do it a couple of times it comes out as if nothing had happened:
  3. Step 1. First of all, we have to enter the application, in our account and go to the side menu. To get there we will have to click on the menu button, that is, the button where we see the logo and the three lines.
  4. Step 2. Next we will click on the messages.
  5. Step 3. Click on the three points located in the upper right corner, then click on ‘choose conversation’.
  6. Step 4. What we have to do now is click on the conversations we want to delete.
  7. Step 5. Now comes what you already imagine, click on the delete option (the garbage icon that is on the upper right of the screen) and that’s it, the selected messages have been deleted.

Simple, right? Well, it is also very useful to leave space for the most recent conversations.

How to delete a Wallapop account step by step on Android and iOS? 

  • Why is it super easy to delete private messages from the Wallapop chat? Well then let’s go a step further and see how we can delete a Wallapop account, just in case you want to uninstall it for a while.
  • Let’s start by seeing step by step how we can delete a Wallapop account from an Android and iOS mobile.
  • Step 1. In order to delete a Wallapop account on the mobile, the first thing we must do is go to the Chrome browser. From there we will access the Wallapop website.
  • Step 2. Once we are in the browser within the Wallapop account that we are going to delete, we must go to the top of the browser and click on the three horizontal points.
  • Step 3. It is then that a menu will be displayed with several options, including the one we are going to use, the version of Wallapop for computers. We will click on that option.
  • Step 4. Next, we will click where it says: ‘delete or delete the account’. And we would already have our Wallapop account deleted.
  • As you can see, deleting the Wallapop application on the mobile cannot be done as it is, but we can unsubscribe by accessing the browser and following the steps that we have just seen.

How to unsubscribe from Wallapop from your computer

  • To cancel a Wallapop account from the computer, we will follow steps very similar to those we have just seen in the previous case.
  • Step 1. We open the browser and look for the official Wallapop website.
  • Step 2. We go to the top of the screen and click on ‘Sign up or log in’. We start the session with the account that we are going to delete.
  • Step 3. Once we are connected, we go to the top and click on ‘My Zone’.
  • Step 4. Next we go to where it says ‘Profile’. It is there where you will be able to see all the data of your account. At the bottom it appears: ‘I want to unsubscribe’. If you click on it, this other message will appear: ‘Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?’ You say yes again, specify the reason and click send.
  • You already have your Wallapop account deleted, very simple too, right?

Steps to delete an ad on Wallapop

  1. We already know how to delete messages and even how to cancel an entire account. Do we have anything else? Yes, another super important thing, how to delete an ad on Wallapop.
  2. Either you have changed your mind and no longer want to sell that sweater or you have already sold it and no longer want to have the ad on it, what you should do is delete it. Don’t worry, it’s just as easy as before.
  3. Step 1. Open the application on your mobile and, in case you have not done so yet, start your session.
  4. Step 2. Go, once again, to the top left of the screen and click on the three lines.
    You will then see a drop-down menu, click on the specific ad that you are going to delete.
  5. Step 3. An icon with three circles appears in the same product description. If you click, an option will appear that says: ‘Delete product’, click, fill in what you consider appropriate if a menu is displayed to ask you for the reasons and you already have your Wallapop ad removed.