It is possible that if you have a camera you have it almost in disuse because you prefer to take your pictures with your smartphone. The reason is very simple, so you can quickly share them on social networks! And also, thanks to the quality of smartphone cameras today, taking pictures with these devices is even better than doing it with other cameras.

But surely you have a friend or friend who does not want to appear in the photographs that you upload on Facebook and they ask you to delete their face or simply that the photographs where they appear… do not upload them. And the same goes for friends who have children, many people do not want their children to go out on Facebook. There is a certain suspicion in this of appearing in the photographs of Facebook and it is something that we must all respect, because after all it is the privacy of people.

Facebook and the privacy of the photos you upload

  • But the ideal is to understand that the privacy of Facebook can be the key to avoid problems and misunderstandings with others and even to prevent your photos from being seen by people you don’t want to see them. Do you know how to edit privacy on Facebook photos?
  • For photos that are already posted you will need to go to your profile and click on “Photos” then click on “Albums” and then you will need to use the audience selector under each album to control who can see and who can’t
  • But you should know that the cover and profile photos are always public by default but you can change the privacy individually in each of them so that people you don’t want to see them don’t.
  • If you’re tagged in a picture that you don’t want to be tagged on Facebook, then you can remove your tag or ask the person to remove your photo. Remember that people who can view the images can download the photos.
  • When you upload images to Facebook you can choose the public you want to see the photo, which can be “Friends”, “Friends of friends”, “Public” -everyone- or “Only me”. You will have to choose the option you prefer so that you can maintain the privacy of your Facebook photo. You can even choose the option that someone you don’t want to see the image doesn’t do so by blocking it on that image or on your Facebook… because overall, why would you want to have someone on your Facebook if you don’t want them to see your publications?