Author name: SocialMediaTopics Staff is a blog that offers a wide range of guides, help, and tutorials related to social media. This section of the blog is designed to provide readers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively navigate and utilize various social media platforms. The guides and tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including how to set up a social media account, how to create and share engaging content, and how to use social media for business and marketing purposes.

The History in WhatsApp: the Messages that Nobody should Read

Your smartphone is like a diary with a lock, what is on it cannot be seen by anyone unless you have given permission to do so. Can you imagine your mother or any of your friends reading the conversations you have on WhatsApp? Surely Troy would burn inside and outside of you, because your WhatsApp history is yours, and […]

The History in WhatsApp: the Messages that Nobody should Read Read More »

How to Protect your Data and your Privacy on the Internet?

If you realize it seems that personal data is more and more available online and anyone can see it. Online companies seem to ask you for more data than they really need, they record your data so that google later helps you find things that fit ‘your pep personal profile’, you need to change your Facebook settings so that other people do

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Don’t let Anyone Play you on Snapchat

There are many people who have downloaded the Snapchat application on their smartphones and it is very attractive to many people and although it is the successful application among teenagers, many adults also enjoy the fun that this application provides them. Snapchat consists of being able to send photos and videos to other Snapchat users and that when the other

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Signs that indicate that you are hooked on social networks

Faced with the voices that are dedicated to demonizing social networks, there are all those people who have seen many aspects of their lives improve thanks to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. In the middle we find ourselves ordinary people who adapt as best we can to current times without knowing the consequences very well, and

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Insults on Twitter and Facebook: should social networks be controlled more?

The repertoire of insults and insults on Twitter and Facebook after the murder of Isabel Carrasco, social networks are once again in the eye of the hurricane. In fact, the Minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, has been insisting for days on the need to “put a stop” and “cleanse the networks of those undesirables” with “additional legal

Insults on Twitter and Facebook: should social networks be controlled more? Read More »

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