Five Tips to Maintain your Privacy in your Emails

Currently emails – also known as emails – are a form of communication that you will surely use both personally and professionally, since it seems that this form of communication has bankrupted postal mail or other types of communication. Email is an immediate communication and in two seconds you can write or send attachments to someone anywhere in the world, the magic of the Internet!

It is undoubtedly something comfortable and very practical and that is why I am sure that you use them both on your computer and on your smartphone on a daily basis. But as was the case with postal mail, when you write or send something to someone, all you want is for it to be received by the recipient and for no third parties to read what you want only one person to read. That is, what better to avoid gossips to maintain your privacy.

Five tips to maintain your privacy in your emails

  1. Delete emails that you don’t need to keep. If you want to be intimate in your emails and you are writing to someone you like and they are somewhat “hot” words, the best thing you can do is delete those emails and leave no trace of your contact with that person. If you want to delight yourself by rereading his words, you can save the emails in a folder with text documents and put a password so that no one but you can read them.
  2. Put passwords. Put passwords on your laptop, your desktop computer and your smartphone. Put passwords on any device that can access your email account, so you will prevent third parties from being tempted to read what you send by email.
  3. Log out of your email. If you are on a public computer or in the office, it is very important that you always close the session so that your email account is not left open and available to prying eyes.
  4. Move received emails to folders. You do not have to have all your received emails in the inbox, you can have them in different folders.
  5. Archive sent emails. If you archive your sent emails instead of deleting them, you can access them at any time, but if you delete them after 30 days they will disappear forever. You can also archive received emails.

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