Social Apps

Find out if your ex has unfollowed you on social networks with these apps

The issue of social networks when a relationship ends is something very complicated and controversial at the same time. Some will choose to completely cut their ex out of their lives and hit the “unfollow” button without a second thought. Others, on the contrary, will choose to continue stalking that person who one day occupied

Find out if your ex has unfollowed you on social networks with these apps Read More »

Anorexia and bulimia in social networks: a danger for the youngest

The profiles that promote anorexia and bulimia are increasing on social networks. As a meeting place, the users exchange tips to lose weight, tricks to eat less and less and tips to follow eating habits that can lead to death. The danger of these portals is very great and legally there is very little that

Anorexia and bulimia in social networks: a danger for the youngest Read More »

Comparing your life to others on Instagram makes you unhappy

We know, many times it is inevitable. We open one of the favorite applications of celebrities Instagram, of course- and what we see translates into two words: perfect lives. Because it is clear that having avocado for breakfast, -which by the way is ideal on an ideal toast with all kinds of fruits-, taking a

Comparing your life to others on Instagram makes you unhappy Read More »

10 lies you shouldn’t believe from people on Instagram

The perfect Instagram life is not real. Instagram Every day it happens to you: you open Instagram, the happiest app on planet Earth, and instantly get depressed. Perfect lives, paradisiacal beaches, smiles, motivating phrases, couples in love, eternal friends… why is everything so perfect in the 2.0 era? Although we already explained that being envy of

10 lies you shouldn’t believe from people on Instagram Read More »

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